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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A thought.

Hey. Been quite awhile huh? Anyhow, there’s actually this thing that kinda boggle my mind recently.

People keep trying to find that one right person for themselves, but how can we be certain that he or she is the one for us? How can we know? Cause even the happiest couple on earth could break up in the end if they, somehow, couldn’t make the relationship go any further.

Okay, lets push aside the common reason why couples usually break up; the interference of the third parties. Okay now that we put that away, lets think of other minor reasons. Jealousy, trust-issues and all of that sort of stuffs that bring out negative vibes. Now, lets say there’s this one particular couple who never have to go through any of those troubles that lead to a break up. And both of them were positive they will end up marrying each other. But because they weren’t meant for each other, they have to break up somehow, don’t they? Ugh, I don’t know cause even a married couple could split up, imagine a couple who doesn’t have any official and legal bonding yet.

So I guess there are some good reasons, besides the fact that it’s illegal, to tell people why being in a relationship before marriage is, well, not okay.

Why do we spend our youth getting hurt over and over again?
How can we possibly think that our lovers will be the people we’re gonna marry in the future?
Deep down you know that he or she may not be the one, but you let the relationship goes on cause you feel like it’s the only thing that makes you happy at the moment.

The reason why we wanted to be in relationships is, usually, mainly because we THINK we’re lonely. We think the only thing that makes us happy is to get ourselves hook up with the people we fall for. This is literally why it’s wrong to make it a reason why being in a relationship, somehow, a must nowadays.

I was once a teenager myself, so I know how it feels like back then. I’ve been in a few relationships that obviously didn’t work out as I thought they will. I’ve friends that were in relationships that had to go through all sort of troubles as well. All of us started happily and ended up broken hearted. So basically, that’s how young love works. And apparently, none of them meets a happy ending.

There are only two possible options for a couple’s future together, it’s either they get married or they break up. Frankly speaking, I’m pretty sure every couple would say they want to get married but deep down, they aren’t sure if it’s the best choice. But they wouldn’t want to choose to break up either since they’re still so in love with each other. But whatever it is, it has to be one or the other. It’s actually quite simple, if you don’t wanna break up, make sure that you want and will get married. If you don’t think getting married is the right choice, then what’s the point trying to make the relationship works? What’s the point continue if you know in the end you’ll get hurt? So, I guess the main point is, before getting into a relationship, ask yourself this. Which future would you want to share with that person you fall for? If the answer isn’t ‘get married’, then stop yourself and walk away cause y’know it won’t be worth it to try.

I’m not saying I’m so clever with handling relationships that I’m giving advises to people, in fact, I’ve been through a lot of heartbreaks before. But I guess those things that happened to me made me realize that relationship isn’t something you can take lightly. Just cause you’re in love with each other, doesn’t mean you must be in a relationship. I mean, it isn’t as necessary as how people think it is. There are basically a lot of other things that have to be taken into account.

Still haven't found the answer to the question though. "How would we know whether he or she is the right person or not?"

That’s all for now. I’ll continue more on this. Thank you for reading.
Sorry for the errors, I’m still learning. And correct me if I’m wrong, do leave a comment.
Thank you again.

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